"Let's Save 10L Water 2.0" Campaign

Each participating domestic household of “Let’s Save 10L Water 2.0” Campaign is entitled to apply for a pair of complimentary flow controllers for water tap, to improve water efficiency in daily lives.

After complete the registration, the ‘Commitment Certificate’ will be signed automatically, pledging to participate in support of using precious water wisely. You can opt to print your certificate, and to share with your family and friends the message of water conservation via different social media platforms.

Request Form for Flow Controllers

* Mandatory Field
*Request for Flow Controllers for Water Tap
*Delivery Address for the Flow Controllers for Water Tap
Deliver the flow controllers to the mailing address of water bill


  1. Please provide all the above information marked with " * " and carefully check the Name of Registered Consumer and Account Number to ensure that they are exactly same as that shown on your water bill. Incomplete or incorrect information may affect your application for flow controllers.
  2. The above-mentioned flow controllers are applicable to common types of water taps used in Hong Kong. Nevertheless, if you are using water efficient water taps at home, installing the flow controllers may not make your water taps more water efficient.
  3. Each participating domestic household is entitled to a pair of complimentary flow controllers once on a first come, first served basis whilst stocks last. If your application is successful, we will send a pair of complimentary flow controllers by post to the mailing address of your water bill within about three months in normal circumstances from the date of receiving your request form for the participating household's use.
  4. All personal information will be used solely for the "Let's Save 10L Water 2.0" Campaign and kept confidential.